Friday, September 30, 2005


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Firefly fans should be pretty pleased with Serenity. Ordinary people should be, too. Writer-director Joss Whedon directs this film adaptation of his own sci-fi TV series with confidence and style, giving audiences more to cheer about in space since long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

But the movie is not just a retread of Firefly. In fact, many of the signature elements of the TV series have disappeared: the cowpies and cattle, for instance, and those mysterious men with the blue gloves. More importantly, Serenity fleshes out the universe and storyline of Firefly—and takes its characters to places the series has never gone before.

11.jpg (120 K)Malcolm Reynolds, owner and captain of the Firefly-class smuggling ship Serenity, is on a journey of faith. He used to believe in a cause—until the leaders of the rebellion for which he volunteered abandoned his batallion to slaughter. Now that the Alliance has its boots fimly on the necks of the once-independent terraformed “border planets,” a burned out rebel like Reynolds is left rudderless. He goes where the wind takes him, as he remarks to Inara Serra, the professional escort once based on Serenity. And when his crew members tell him to have faith, he replies, “Not today.” He has no use for the “fuzzy God” of Christians or the Buddha to whom Inara prays. But when a trusted friend tells him, “I don’t care what you believe; just believe in it,” he steers a course directly into the wind that would sweep him away. At first, we wonder if he will merely become a cheap version of what he wants to destroy; but when he learns the truth, the truth sets him—and a whole host of others—free.

16.jpg (63 K)The Alliance Operative who hunts Serenity and its passenger, River Tam, is also on a journey of faith. In contrast to Reynolds, though, he starts as a True Believer—and as Shepherd Book tells Reynolds, believers of any sort are dangerous. And there are different sorts of believers. Book believes in Christ. Dr. Simon Tam believes in his sister. River believes in God. Inara believes in Buddha. The Operative, though, believes in engineered human potential, in building “better worlds”—even if it means slaughtering innocent children. And as his and Reynold’s paths cross, we see that the two men are not so dissimilar. But the Operative doesn’t need to learn the intrinsic value of belief; rather, he must learn that there are better things to believe in than human potential. And the truth of this new belief frees him from his dogged pursuit of Reynolds, his search for River Tam, and from the evil he does in service of the Alliance.

05.jpg (116 K)River Tam is also on a journey of faith; but she does not move toward faith, nor from one faith to another. Instead, she moves in faith. A literally tortured soul, she longs for deliverance from the damned voices that the Alliance has forced upon her memory. At the apogee of her journey, she nearly loses all hope and cries out, “Please, God, make me a stone!” But the hope that sustains her is “a hope that does not disappoint,” as the Bible says in Hebrews 11. And when River Tam learns the truth, the truth literally sets her free, too. When the time comes, she is no longer the protected but the protector.

Faith is dangerous, Serenity says, because True Believers of any sort—hijackers, abortion clinic bombers, Mother Teresa, Malcom Reynolds—are those who change the world. The rest are just along for the ride. But make no mistake. Serenity does not suggest that one belief is just as good another. It does, however, make a strong case for believing in something as the first step toward finding truth. And hope will sustain the journey. “I know,” says River Tam. “We’re going for a ride.” And what a ride!

But this film is not ultimately about faith. It’s about love. The film begins there and ends there. The Operative can see it in the eyes of Simon Tam to begin with; and whether Reynolds admits it or not, a love of Serenity has always driven him.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. —1 Corinthians 13:13


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This review is fantastic. Thank you.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Greg Wright said...

Thanks, Belle!

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting observations, Greg. My husband (one of those greatly disappointed fans) d-r-a-g-g-e-d me to it, more or less clueless. Early on, right after River (as a student) had astutely said "people like to think their own thoughts" and the Operative talked about his "brave new world" I leaned over and asked him (my best date), "Has that guy read The Abolition of Man? (C. S. Lewis)

Remember Lewis talking about when the few become the Conditioners and the many become the Conditioned; the difference between old eagles teaching young eagles to fly and farmers cooping up chickens? He also asked, "When have people with absolute power behaved morally?"

Doesn't take much knowledge of the history of the last century to suddenly get a very large case of the terrors! The Alliance is where our society is headed if people like Mr. Whedon don't manage to wake us up, because the Alliance is the logical outcome of the very assumptions you see every day in our newspapers and universities. Huxley tried. Lewis did better. (His book is too prophetic.) Maybe, if we hear it long enough and often enough, we'll wake up?

Anyway, I liked the themes you brought out. I'd add that what Lewis called The Tao (what the mediaevals used to call Natural Law) was very much the underlying motivation for that story. You named the Theological Virtues--faith, hope and love, but the Cardinal Virtues: Courage, Temperance, Wisdom, and Justice were all there too. There is no culture on earth that lasted any time at all that did not promulgate those attributes.

Many blessings to you

12:43 PM  
Blogger Greg Wright said...

Excellent additional observations, Maureen. It was really tought trying to pare away the scads and scads of things that COULD have been said about Serenity and distill it all into a succinct review. I'm glad that other folks are adding to the dialogue and fleshing it all out.

It'd be pretty easy to write a book on Serenity and Firefly, but I'll just make the observation that Whedon's vision of the future is (happily) pretty positive. The Alliance may be strong, but it's falling apart at the seams.

Thanks for reading!

7:54 PM  
Blogger Darren Wright said...

good review...

I'm a big fan of the series and of the movie, and am currently sitting here typing out a discussion resource for some youth groups that i work with using the movie...

just a short note: the blue handed dudes were finished off in one of the comic books that bridge the series with the movie... joss really knows how to do things and has moved from series - comic - movie - comic...

12:12 AM  
Blogger Greg Wright said...

Hey, thanks for the tip on the comics! I'd knew that'd he'd done some, but it never dawned on me that they'd cover new ground, too.

And thanks for the compliment, too. Kind words are always nice!

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that Captain Mal does not believe that it's right for a government to try to "make people better." I love how his opposition to that is to "misbehave". What is right is made wrong and what is wrong is made right as the Good Book said would happen.

4:28 AM  

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